New Year, New View

If 2016, by almost all accounts – including those I’ve heard first hand – were to be summed up in one word, it would be heartbreaking. For me, what is encouraging (albeit selfishly) is that I am not alone in feeling this way; however, what is saddening is that darkness was an overarching theme for many of us last year. It was without a doubt my most challenging; one persistent seemingly endless heartache is the bitter taste that 2016 has left on my tongue. For the past few weeks, I’ve been fearful to look toward 2017, wondering if it would be full of as much disappointment as the last 12 months have been.Writing a “resolutions” post is something I’ve done for the past several years (is this a tradition now?), because I am usually excited to look forward in hopeful anticipation. But this year, unlike the others, I haven’t been inspired to make goals or take time to reflect, because it hurts to look back and it hurts to think that I’ll face another year marked by an overwhelming sense of worthlessness and failure and despair.

However, God is good. He has stepped in to annihilate the fear I have about the future and has reminded me that he is faithful. He is faithful in his goodness and his ceaseless love for us. He is better than I can even imagine Him to be, and has said: do not be afraid. He promises in writing: “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15. Though, at times, I felt hopeless last year, I know so deeply and truthfully that God did not leave me to face the world on my own. He doesn’t leave us to figure things out on our own, and then return when we are whole again. He’s there in the midst of the hurt, in the very depths of darkness, waiting to again show you his light.


“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God.” Psalm 20:4-5.

Rather than resolve to do anything differently on my own in 2017 in pursuit of self improvement, I resolve to let Jesus have more of me. For Jesus to have more of me means I will have greater wisdom to become the daughter He already sees in me, despite the scars I bear from last year and all those prior. It means I will more easily and readily love Him and love others. I believe that, if 2016 was a year of challenge, growth – and mere survival, at times, in terms of emotional capacity and stability – this year is one of triumph. Abiding in him does not look like disappointment; it looks like radiant joy. Abiding in Him looks like victory.

What a beautiful year it will be.